As a seller of digital products, we do not actually ship any physical goods. After purchase, customers are given access to a secure download page where they can access PDF files. This allows immediate access to the product without waiting or paying for shipping.
Order Processing
After an order is placed, confirmation emails with download instructions and links are automatically sent out within 30 minutes. If you do not receive the email within an hour, please check your spam folder first before contacting us.
International Customers
As no physical products ship out, there are no customs, duty or VAT costs associated with purchases. All listed costs at checkout reflect the full amount owed. Digital deliveries are available immediately world-wide.
Product Updates
When updated versions or new editions of products are released, prior customers can re-download updated files from their original download page at no additional cost. Notification emails will go out to registered email addresses tied to original purchases.
We strive to provide a convenient, world-wide delivery system for instantly accessible goods through digital distribution. If there are any other questions, please contact our Support Team at [email protected] for assistance.